Decision Log

We capture major decisions about the development here. Similar to architecture decision log, it helps us remember important context and gives us more confidence when revisiting decisions in the future.



  • There is small enough active users that we’ll be using Mailgun even for batch sending
  • Batch sending is thus decoupled and send using database as a queue as a starter
  • E-mail list is small enough for blacklisted e-mails to be loaded in memory for every sending. This should be revisited should the userbase grow significantly
  • Backup is still done by cron on the old EC2 instance with upload to S3 there. This can only be reasonably fixed after InnoDB migration
  • Beside registration e-mail, no e-mails should be send to unregistered users. This is because we’d have to track unsubscribe tokens for all combinations and it’s “complicated” to avoid either spamming or unsubscription attack; not worth it for now


  • For URLs, we prefer longer and more expressive URLs that explain the particular resource or resource list. Hence, displaying posts in Tavern is /tavern/table/id/posts/ as opposed to just /tavern/table/id/, especially since we have /tavern/table/id/notice-board/ etc. In the same fashion, root url / redirects to /news/ instead of being served directly since we may (and actually want) to redo the landing page.
  • Models missing integer foreign key should have it added (as opposed to working on the character foreign keys). Pattern:
  • For comments and tavern posts, we are using the same endpoint and POST action. Action is designated by a POST attribute. “Correctly”, this would be done better by using different HTTP method, unfortunately Mike’s proposal is not implemented
  • All attributes for all models are now in English and in accordance with the Dictionary. Czech names should be hidden under db_column attributes and under ``Enum``s